War Dogs – Returned


How Many Dogs Returned Home?

Only 204 dogs exited Vietnam during the 10-year period. Some
remained in the Pacific, and some returned to the United States. None returned to
civilian life. So what happened to the dogs that remained? Most where
euthanized and the others where turned over to the ARVN (South Vietnamese

The following is a partial list of the canines who were returned.

Adolph X658

Babe                      84A4

Badger               8A37

Bar                         189A

Baron                    765A

Baron                    1K67

Baron                    7M08

Baron                    9A82

Benno                   K075

Birka                      27A6

Bissie                     0K53

Bo                           1A76

Bourbon              M062

Bourbon              75A8

Boy                        T002

Brandy               82A8

Brownie               996A

Bruce                    M133

Bruce                    133M

Bruno                    81X3

Bud                        6990M

Bull                         759A

Bullet                    S089

Captain                 X073

Casey                    742A

Charlie                  M397

Chief                     40A9

Chief                     604A

Coffee                  903M

Devil                   T050

Dino                       M465

Dino                       4A21

Duke                     M051

Duke                     M519

Duke                     T068

Duke                     32A8

Duke                     360M

Duke                     61A6

Duke                     756M

Duke                     82M3

Duke                     971M

Falk                        95X7

Fritz                       1K14

Fritz                       3M75

Fritz                       76A6

Fritz                       78A4

Gabriel                 6S08

Goldie                  0H27

Gordo                  89X0

Gretchen            316M

Gretchen            579A

Gretchen            7K19

Gus                      988M

Hans                      S379

Hanz                    M333

Hasid                   M932

Herman                M417

Hitler                   622A

Hobo                     5K58

Jack                        6S11

Jerry                      6S14

Jet                          X208

Jumbo                  833M

Kazan                    1K47

King                       M000

King                       S274

King                       X014

King                       X652

King                       07M8

King                       101A

King                       3K92

King                       58A3

King                       7A99

King                       898A

King                       95A0

King                       961A

Knothead            1K37

Kurt                       X609

Linus                      9A09

Lobo                      M294

Lobo                      94A5

Mack                     X642

Major                    053M

Major                    5A46

Major                    683A

March                   7A83

Misty                     667E

Murphy                6M77

Mycyn                  M044

Nemo                   A534

Ness                       6S10

Nicky                     102M

Nikki                      7M38

Nipper                4X26

Nui                         5K68

Omar                      T016

Otis                         T019

Patches                 M808

Parker                    36A3

Paul                       6S06

Pepe                      89A4

Pete                      6S07

Prince                   1M32

Prince                   14M1

Prince                   2M85

Prince                   6A18

Prince                   768F

Prince                   871M

Puddles                807M

Queen                  T069

Quick Silver         S312

Ramo                     3A48

Rex                        M018

Rex                         M640

Rex                         1S55

Rex                         5X40

Ringo                     873A

Rinty                      M638

Rommel               956M

Rover                    6K00

Sabre                     0H31

Sam                        M016

Sam                        653A

Sam                       983M

Samantha            3A93

Sambo                  S304

Samson                24A1

Sandy                    S432

Sargeant              998A

Scout                     2X55

Shad                      0M99

Shep (?)                7X10 (?)

Shep                      885A

Shep                      9A64

Siggy                      07A8

Silver                     M293

Smith                    1K80

Smokey                X354

Smokey                051A

Smokey                381M

Smokey                58A8

Smokey                584M

Smokey                7K48

Smokey                87M0

Smokey                9X29

Sodge                    226A

Sport                     115A

Star                        748M

Stoney                  047M

Teardrop             5X91

Teddy                   3K23

Tiger                       739M

Trooper-II           086A

Tumak                  29A4

Udo                       6S12

Ulric                       6S13

Ulyses                   6S02

Wendel                6S16

Willy                      T037

Wolf                      X548

Wolf                      66M0

Zeus                      296A


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